Hackintosh cant download from app store

I restarted and holding down shift, i see apple icon keep changing to other icon , question mark icon, folder icon etc. When you download Mavericks to the USB drive it's not going to allow you to run the Mavericks installer. You need to buy an external drive then install Mavericks on the drive. You can then boot from the drive to recover your data and install a working OS X on the internal drive.

USB 3. They are cheaper because they are popular PC drives. If you get a new computer you'll get the bump to 3. You would need a connector in order to use the drive on a newer computer. Size: I recommend either the 2T or 3T drives. Often they are cheaper than a 1T drive. The 4T drives have more issues and failure rates. This Western Digital drive has good reviews: Has a 2 yr warranty.

Comes formatted for Mac but I would still format using Disk Utility. Check the warranty when comparing. The longer the warranty the better the drive. WD makes cheaper drives but with almost no warranty. If the drive dies you lose both types of backup. Jun 27, PM in response to johnatmaysondotus In response to johnatmaysondotus.

This actually helped me. I tried resetting the Macbook to the factory default so I can sell it on eBay. Since I have 2 macs I tried the bootable drive option I did the Yosemite According to this website my laptop should be able to run Yosemite The way that your post helped me was that you tried a different apple ID.

I used my father's apple ID since it was originally his laptop and it worked whereas I got the "This is temporarily unavailable" notification when I tried my own apple ID. When they say" This is temporarily unavailable" it is probably just their less rude way of saying, "This laptop is suspected to be stolen and we will not service it for you". My MacBook is starting to download OS X Mountain Lion right now I'm guessing this is some type of security feature so if someone steals your laptop they can't simply format the drive and try to reinstall the OS to use it as their own.

However I don't know how people are supposed to sell it then. A seller doesn't want to give their buyer their apple ID just so they can download the OS. I've read a few posts saying they purchased the laptop online and had this problem. I can't imagine how frustrated I would be if that happened to me. Since i'm selling mine I'm going to be nice and have the latest OS already installed and ready to go then i'll sign out of my apple ID.

Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. A click on "Install App" does nothing. No error message, no download. I am trying to download an app appropriate for my installed OS. I'm editing because this appears to be the same issue. I signed out and into the app store, and am trying to update existing software.

This is the resulting error message. It references "other account" but this is the account I use, exact same ID I just signed in with. After struggling with the error message of "updates for other accounts", I found a solution to all of it. That being both hardware, but perhaps more prominently, software. In particular, software purchased through the iOS and Mac App Stores, some of which cost a small fortune to buy.

I'm currently looking at building a Hackintosh for the first time. Following the AlexF98 Thread Apr 14, app store clover config. For graphic I know I have to wait until Nvidia releases a new driver. But for App Store I couldn't solve the problem. In Infact, when I try to do this, it will download me a file of 15mb, and not of 5.

If someone can help me, please reply to this post. Thank you for all. Most of it work as expected, but some apps downloaded from the App Store won't open. It downloaded fine. Published Date: October 25, Yes No. Character limit: Maximum character limit is It is also possible if you have built-in WiFi at 'en0'. USB devices cannot be made to look built-in. If your Ethernet or WiFi, in the case of no Ethernet is not at 'en0', try resetting the network interfaces.

Reboot, then add all your network interfaces back, starting with Ethernet. I moved an SSD from one system to another virtually identical hardware. Catalina As a result, I could not update apps from the AppStore.


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