You can edit all kinds of documents, including Microsoft Office ones, right within the app. You can even share files with others and download them too. The downloading part, however, does sometimes break. A common error here is HTTP , saying that access to …googleusercontent. Logically, you might wonder how that can be and why Google could be restricting access to your own files. While Google Drive errors for denying access, failing to perform an action, or forbidding something are truly very occasional, they nevertheless result in a fury of questions from users.
Few things are as alarming as not being able to have complete control of your files. So why does it happen? There are generally three catalysts for Google Drive errors: your user account, your browser, or your Mac or even a combination of these. Surprisingly, Google Drive gives you several methods for downloading any file. So while there might be a glitch with one of them, others might work as usual.
Fourth, if you double-click on photos and PDFs, or if you choose Preview from the top menu for any other file, you can then click the download icon at the top. Fifth, when you try to download a few files at once, Google Drive will create a zip archive. There are instances where this archive could fail to download. To fix this, close the Google Drive tab — it will give you a warning that files were not saved, select Leave and the download should start properly.
To fix this, log out of all Google accounts. Then only log back in with the account that should have access to the file you want to download and try again. The permission errors should now be resolved.
So clearing them both could help. The problem is that the process for each browser is quite different and making sure you delete all cached files and cookies is not easy. When you want full control over the data your browsers retain, you should use an optimization tool like CleanMyMac X.
CleanMyMac X is a powerful but intuitive app that lets you tweak any part of your Mac in just a few clicks. You can scan your drive for old, unused files, get rid of mail attachments, free up RAM, reindex Spotlight, uninstall apps completely, and, of course, clean anything within your browser.
After you clear all cache and cookies, make sure the cookies themselves remain enabled for Google Drive to work properly. With ad blockers rising in popularity over the past few years, some web apps started to inadvertently break in unexpected places.
If your WiFi connection is poor or unstable, or simply off, Google Drive might throw all kinds of errors related to file downloading. The best way to troubleshoot your internet connection is to use NetSpot. NetSpot makes it easy to analyze your wireless network in seconds without all the technical complexities. At a glance, you can get information on signal strength and noise levels. You can test your speed and even create a heatmap to see how the WiFi signal is actually spreading across your space.
Whether you are trying to download files from a Windows computer or a Mac, restart your PC once before jumping onto the other solutions. There are several ways to download files from Google Drive. To download files from drive. Select Download from the menu. Similarly, if you want to download multiple files, select the files first, and then right-click on any one of the selected files.
Choose Download from the menu. The files will begin to download. In Google Drive, select the files or folders that you want to download. Click on the three-dot icon at the top.
If you are trying to download an individual photo or video, open the file. You will see the Download icon at the top-right corner. Click on it to download the file. Hover your mouse over the image, and the Download button will appear. If you view files in the grid view, the Download button will be present on the file. Click on that to download the file. Alternatively, you can click on the Download all button present at the top as well. For many users, Google Drive gets stuck on Preparing Zip file message only.
To fix that, you need to click on the Leave site button when a pop-up appears that asks whether you want to Leave site or Cancel. Clicking the Leave button starts the download process. We have covered the Google Drive not downloading Zip files issue in detail. Do take a look for other solutions. To enable cookies, open drive. Click on the tiny lock icon present on the left side of the address bar. Then, select Cookies from the list.
In the pop-up window that appears, click on the Blocked tab. Check if you find any link related to Google. Click on that and hit the Allow button at the bottom. Finally, click on Done. Restart the page or the browser, and you should be able to download the files again. When someone sends you a Google Drive link to download files, you need to be signed in with the same account allowed to access those files. Basically, Google Drive file sharing permissions works in two ways. The owner who generates a link for the file or the folder can let anyone with the link access the file.
In that case, any Google account can be used to view or download files. But the owner can also restrict the files to a select few users only based on their email address. In such cases, you need to switch your Google account to the right one. If you are a Google Chrome user, you can sign into multiple Google accounts.
However, one of them is used as a default account. That account is also used for the Google Chrome sync feature. Whenever you receive a Google Drive link accessible from a different account, you need to switch to that account.
To do so, open drive. You will be signed in with the default account. Click on the profile picture at the top-right corner of the Drive screen. Your Google accounts will show up. Click on the one that you want to switch to. A new window will open where you are logged in with your second Google account. If you close the window and open the Google Drive website again, you will be logged in with the default account.